Tuesday 5 October 2010

Curating STAGE 5

My current project is curating STAGE 5 at the second hidden door event on the 22nd of October till 24th.

The general idea is that each artist will be involved with making a number of "STAGE COMPONENTS" (say 3) which can vary in size, these will take the form of 2d and 3d shapes cut from a variety of materials but mainly wood -- think of children's playing blocks -e.g. prisms ,cubes etc.- only with a twist.

Each piece can be painted/manipulated /decorated--projected on.. however the artist pleases ,but kept within the range of a general colour palette.We will then compose these building blocks for each performance or slot .Artists can choose to personalize their blocks for specific performances,collaborations with musicians.

We will also be utilizing our rigging with layers of 2d cut shapes.

See moodboard imagery & models :